'Travel, in the younger sort, is a part of education; in the elder, a part of experience.'
-Francis Bacon

Wednesday 18 January 2012

You have to start somewhere

After months of consideration and envy at how some of my friends blog away, confident that someone will care, genuinely enthralling me with all their adventures and musings I've finally decided (on a whim) to enter the big bad world of the internet and find an opinion or a story worth sharing... and maybe one day I'll have one! So here's hoping that some friend, family member, or obscure acquaintance might just happen to be vaguely interested and potentially amused.

All this has stemmed from a new desire to be bold. The new year marked a new beginning and I seized it by booking a very exciting girls holiday to IBIZA, where hopefully many a good story will unfold. However, that's not until September, so I now I need something  to do in the meantime. I've now been back in Rome for a week and have re-resolved to make life happen... having admittedly slipped into something of a Roma Coma. Thank God for it too, as I realise that half of my time here is almost gone and I've barely done a thing.

NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTION (Part II): Stop chickening out!!

Here it's so easy to just sit up all night and lay in all day.... stream a few episodes of something hilarious, pop out for a cappuccino and that's a day gone. But there's so much more to it all! Everyone I know who's done it looks back on it their ERASMUS year as the highlight of university, maybe even life. I can see why, when you completely get into it it's brilliant- you meet people from all over Europe, party loads and have heaps of opportunities to travel around. So why have I been so half-arsed about it so far?!

On top of all that- this is Rome! It's beautiful, historic and full of a so many interesting people, from all over the world. Yes... I will be better. And this will help me be motivated. You can't write a blog without adventures to report...

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