'Travel, in the younger sort, is a part of education; in the elder, a part of experience.'
-Francis Bacon

Sunday, 13 May 2012

That's going to hurt in the morning.

The sun's reappearance in Italy has me totally energised and so this week I've been out of the house more or less all day, everyday. Somewhere between finding these new reserves of energy and finding all my shorts and sun dresses I somehow got the notion into my head that exercise would probably be a good thing to do.

I imagine it happened seconds after I realised that soon after shorts comes bikini.

In general I've enjoyed all this new activity. I've always been a fan of walking places, rather than waiting for buses. Playing games in the park is lots of fun. Busting out an exercise DVD with dancerise and toning work outs, felt good at the time, but has left me very achy.

I had this 'brilliant' idea on Friday. On Saturday my legs were to achy for me to even be bothered with getting 'all the way' to the park. The shame. I'd promised my flatmate I'd clean the bathroom yesterday, any kind of bending or crouching was uncomfortable and unpleasant, and as the rest of the day taught me it's also unavoidable. Did you have any idea how bending you actually do in a day? Moving from standing to sitting on chair? More exertion than relaxation- gah!

I blame the squats. And the crunches. Grumble, grumble...

Despite this moan, I'm hoping to be less achy tomorrow, and give it another go. It probably is still a good a good idea and, as my mother likes to remind me,
"No pain, no gain"
Sorry to moan, but at least I'm still somewhat motivated. I think I hae to be, because that bikini isn't going anywhere. In fact, it's coming out on Thursday.


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