'Travel, in the younger sort, is a part of education; in the elder, a part of experience.'
-Francis Bacon

Monday, 28 May 2012

A sartorial injection.

A curious element of the Year Abroad is one's wardrobe. In some ways the whole experience is merely one long, extended holiday and therefore one's possessions are controlled by airline regulations. There's a limit on how much you can bring and, similarly, you must consider how you're to get everything back within your weight limit before you can go home. This factor is a serious dampener on a girl's desire to shop.

As I get nearer to my departure date I have started to think about luggage and what I may even have to leave behind. I even used my April trip home as an opportunity to return all my coats, jumpers and... less essential footwear to the UK. However, as a girl who likes her clothes I must confess now that I am itching for a trip round the shops. Even with what still looks like a fairly full wardrobe, I'm tired of all my clothes. I'm sure I've found all the possible combinations for this particular set and worn them out. What I'm basically saying is

I have nothing to wear!

However, all hope is not lost. The joy of living with three other girls is that we've developed the very unoriginal concept of the communal wardrobe What's mine is yours, and all that jazz.

What's this got to do with anything? Well, despite having been looking forward to Saturday night all week. Because, well you know, it's Saturday night. Despite having had an excellent day in Tivoli and being in good spirits for the evening. Last night, I genuinely considered passing on the festivities because... the shame, I didn't have anything to wear!

Another reason to love my flatmates. Anna committed herself to supporting me through my temporary insanity and getting me to a dancefloor. She listened to my craziness and then disappeared. returning five minutes later with to of her own dresses that I was yet to play dress up with. Needless to say, I eventually perked up, manned up and got dressed.
It's alarming how one new garment can transform, if not one's wardrobe, then at least one's own perception of it. Anna's dress was just the sartorial injection that my Roman armadio needed and I felt brilliant. Also, it was a dress that I probably would never even try on in a shop. I just wouldn't have supposed it to be very 'me'. I would be missing out.

I'm so glad Anna thought to share and committed to supporting me through my wardrobe/brain malfunctions as last night was so much fun! Even though we pre-partied the same as every other Saturday, and even ended up at our usual club it really was one of the best Saturday nights I've had in Rome. It was so good that when the club kicked out at half past four, we all decided to find another bar, rather than call it a night and go home!

I'm still aware of my baggage limits, but I think I'm going to go shopping this week. I think a couple of new Spring/Summer staples could perk me right up and see me through the rest of Erasmus with vain, fashion conscious peace of mind.

What do you think? Is this post just self-indulgent and materialistic, or do your clothes help you think positively too?

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