Last week I went on holiday, to the glamorous destination of Home. It was a really lovely trip, however brief. This was a whirlwind tour, calling in three counties in just six days. It was a wonderful though, due to both the pleasure of spending time with my family and friends; and the peace of mind I got from sorting out some administration and logistical elements regarding my upcoming return to reality.
The act of going home is simple as are the feelings are warmth and ease that it gives. It’s an age old and pure idea which is rooted in the very centre of who we all are. We can always take a step back, return to the place we started from and the people who love and know us best and figure out how best to move forward. The moving forward part is the challenge and even though I wasn’t at home in Essex for most of my trip I was so grateful to my patient and loving parents for putting up with my incessant phonecalls about housing and module selections. Mostly that just told me that I was making sense and making good choices, but sometimes all you need is someone who knows you well to say ‘yes, that sounds good. It’s a good choice for you’.
As a side note, other amazing things about home which brought a smile to my face with their sheer simplicity included getting off the plane to non-humid, crisp, albeit a bit chilly air (it’s different in other places!); rain that just drizzles nicely rather than simulating monsoon season; red meat in crazy served with any kind of potato; using my iPhone and having a very hectic ‘recent’ list; and Cadbury’s chocolate.
I began my mini-tour of the UK with a much needed trip to Warwick Uni, to see so many of the beautiful people I’ve been missing, meet the new RAG exec (which I am so proud to be a member of), hand in some boring paperworky things and check out and sign for my house for next year. Busy, busy, busy!
I stayed with my friend Charlie, who is currently a very busy bee with all things Physics related and more, and so I think/hope he didn’t think me horribly rude for being here, there and everywhere whilst abusing his hospitality. Here’s what I managed to squash into my 3 and half uni days, he’ll probably be interested to know where I kept disappearing to, in fact...
Tuesday evening began with a RAG meeting. I was so chuffed when I was voted RAG week co-ordinator for next academic year, and have been feeling guilty about my absence and consequent lack of involvement since being elected, and so this was a brilliant opportunity to get to know the new exec and talk about what's going on and to share what Beavis, the President, and I had been brainstorming about RAG Week! I'm really excited to get back to these lovely people and do some good work in the autumn. Will also be digging into organisation very soon.
Unlike here in Italy, back home we have to apply and request modules nice and early and so these decisions have been on my mind for weeks now. You may remember how the Venice visit of March served as an information point about modules offered by the Italian department and so I sorted out three out of four modules for next year then and there. However, my English option has given me much food for thought over the past few weeks and whilst having a fairly good idea of what I wanted to do this uni visit was the perfect opportunity to both catch up and grill some of my fellow English Lit students. Between that resolve, those chats and the aforementioned 'I think I'm doing the right thing Mum? Dad? Yes?' phonecalls I fnalised my decision and submitted my form (early, I may add). Sorry David, Lucy, Ella and Sam! And a huge Thank You for all of your insights! I felt both relieved and pleased to have the decision made and out of my hands. First choice: 'The English Nineteenth Century Novel', with 'Literature of the Second World War' and 'Victorian and Romantic Poetry' as back ups. I think I'll be happy with whichever I get, and there's always final year if I find myself longing to do one of the others.
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With the lovely Will You remember him from here |
Thursday morning called for the much anticipated coffee date with the wonderful Mr Sam Clarke, who I was very disappointed to miss out on seeing over Christmas We didn't have much time as he was between a lecture and seminar but we caught up nicely on what we'd both been doing, followed up with questions about letters and we've started plotting some fun for when I'm back in the UK 'for real'. After this and another impromptu coffee with my friend, Felicity, I headed off to Banbury to see Fiona. You may remember her from my birthday.
With my Bestie |
Friday was back home to Essex and dinner with my family. I was so sorry to end up having so little time truly at home but we went for a cracking dinner and in true family fashion there was no one single of conversation, but always at least three different ones running simultaneously- which is impressive for a table of five. Later, two of my best friends from school came to join us as well as some of my brother's mates and all told it was a good night.
Unfortunately, Saturday brought a fairly early flight back to Rome and I was greeted by a warm sunshine. You know that excellent moment when you're going on holiday and you get off the lane to find the air so warm and dry that you know you're abroad? It was that! That summer feeling. I was glad to be back, as I'm keenly aware that my time here is running out. I really want to make the most of all the time I have left, but... I'll tell you a secret, after such a short trip home I've been a tad homesick since I got back. I didn't really get enough time with anyone and can't wait to be reunited with them all soon.
But for now, Rome, sun and fun! After all, it won't be long until I'm truly Romesick!
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