'Travel, in the younger sort, is a part of education; in the elder, a part of experience.'
-Francis Bacon

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

For a good cause

Next week is RAG Week here at the University of Warwick. As the RAG Week Co-ordinator, I'm currently something of a headcase. There are so many little things to think of and it's suddenly dawning on me that I'm probably not going to have any time for sleep all week and I'm worried about letting things slip through the cracks.

However, that's just me being silly, I'm sure. Planning has been going on for months and generally it's shaping up to be a cracking week. We're hoping to raise a lot of money, all of which is for Children in Need, a great cause helping children across the UK.


Please support RAG Week, because:
(a) It's for an excellent cause.
(b) It's loads of fun!

You can send lovely things, or even better EMBARRASSING things to your friends. Have your flatmate GNOMED, just for banter's sake (you know... for the children) and come along to our events. They range in levels of craziness from a Pub Quiz on Tuesday to a huge Leamington Bar Crawl on Friday.

Right, I should get back on task now, but wish us luck, show your support and get involved! I'll be sure to let you know how much we raise!

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